
首页 - 论坛展览 - 日本海报设计印刷展 | Graphic Trial 2017 Hong Kong Edition

日本海报设计印刷展 | Graphic Trial 2017 Hong Kong Edition

The Graphic Trial Exhibition Series is well-known for its vision to push the limits and possibilities of graphic design and printing since 2006. Every year| Graphic Trial features the collaborative experimental poster designs from the industry’s leading graphic designers and printers.

自2006年起,日本Graphic Trial每年藉由展览,以放胆挑战现有的印刷及平面设计规范为出发,请来业界顶尖的平面设计师与印刷商合作,创造前所未见的实验性海报印刷作品,向来是平面设计与艺术界的焦点。

Curated by Alan Chan| "Graphic Trial 2017 Hong Kong Edition" will showcase 90 original posters by 18 Japanese and Hong Kong designers for the first time in this 9-day exhibition from 10 June to 18 June 2017 at Space 27.

「Graphic Trial 2017 - Hong Kong Edition」由27画廊 (Gallery 27) 创办人及著名艺术家/品牌设计顾问陈幼坚 (Alan Chan) 策展,将于2017年6月10日至6月18日在27空间 (Space 27) 举行,为期9天展出由18个日本和香港设计师创作的90张原创海报。

Graphic Trial 2017 Hong Kong Edition will be exhibiting posters designed by Akihiko Nagumo| Atsuki Kikuchi| Azumi Mitsuboshi| Hiroaki Nagai| Hiroki Taniguchi| Kaoru Takai| Katsumi Asaba| Kazumasa Nagai| Kazunari Hattori| Koichi Sato| Mamoru Suzuki| Mitsuo Katsui| Norito Shinmura| Ren Takaya| Rikako Nagashima| Ryosuke Uehara| Takehisa Yamamoto and Alan Chan| the first Hong Kong designer among the years.

香港版Graphic Trial将展出包括日本设计师:南云晓彦 (Akihiko Nagumo) 、菊地敦己 (Atsuki Kikuchi) 、三星安澄 (Azumi Mitsuboshi) 、永井裕明 (Hiroaki Nagai) 、谷口广树 (Hiroki Taniguchi) 、高井薰 (Kaoru Takai) 、浅叶克己 (Katsumi Asaba) 、永井一正 (Kazumasa Nagai) 、服部一成 (Kazunari Hattori) 、佐藤晃一 (Koichi Sato) 、铃木守 (Mamoru Suzuki) 、胜井三雄 (Mitsuo Katsui) 、新村则人 (Norito Shinmura) 、高谷廉 (Ren Takaya) 、长嶋Rikako (Rikako Nagashima) 、植原亮辅 (Ryosuke Uehara) 、山本刚久 (Takehisa Yamamoto),以及历年来唯一香港设计师陈幼坚 (Alan Chan) 的作品。

[Public Exhibition 公众展览]

Date 期间*: 10 - 18 June| 2017 (2017 年 6 月 10 日至 6 月 18 日)

Time 开放时间: 11am – 6pm 上午十一点至晚上六点

Admission 入场**: Free of charge 免费

Venue场地: Space 27 HK

Address 地址: 10/F| Block A/B Tung Chong Factory Building| 653-659 King's Road| Quarry Bay| Hong Kong 香港鰂鱼涌英皇道653-659号/ 东祥工业大厦A/B座10楼

* The exhibition on 10 June is only open to whom has registered the talk at 4pm to come and see in advance.


** Pre-registration is required. Those who have registered for the talk on 10 June can enter the exhibition without additional pre-registration.


A designer talk between leading designers Mr. Katsumi Asaba and Alan Chan will be held on 10 June as well to share two masters’ originality and technical know-how in applications of new graphic techniques.

展览首日也将举办一场设计师对谈,由日本平面设计大师浅叶克己 (Katsumi ASABA) 与陈幼坚先生共同分享创作的理念、设计技巧和心得。

设计师对谈 | Graphic Trial 2017 Hong Kong Edition

Date日期: 10 June 2017 (Sat星期六) 2017 年 6 月 10 日

Time时间*: 4pm – 6pm 下午四点至六点

Speakers 主讲: Katsumi Asaba 浅叶克己 & Alan Chan 陈幼坚

Moderator 主持: Naoki Sakai 坂井直树

Language 语言: Japanese (with interpreter) and English 日语 (附翻译) 及英文

Admission入场**: Free of charge 免费

(pre-registration is required) 需预先上网登记

Venue 场地: Space27

* Please plan to arrive 30 mins early for entering and seating. The venue will be open from 11am on 10th June and only for people who have registered the talk to enter.


** Please note that limited seats are available on a first come| first served basis. For safety reasons| appropriate crowd control will be in place.

请留意 - 座位提供有限,先到先得,若入场人数过多,基于安全考量,将视情况现场实行人流管制。

Terms and Policies: All registered guests will automatically become members of Gallery 27; Gallery 27 guarantees that none of your personal data that are with us would be released to any third parties without prior personal consent.

条例与政策:凡登记入场者将自动视为Gallery 27会员,而Gallery 27保证在未经当事人同意下,不会将会员资料透漏予第三方。

本文来源于 日本海报设计印刷展,由 欧米网 整理编辑!