
设计十夏 10 years of Design Summer


《10 years of Design Summer》出版

面向“Design Summer”历届工作坊所有导师和学员征集主题海报创作,并在学员作品中甄选出入选作品及前五名作品,获奖和入选作品将和历届导师作品一起收录在《10 years of Design Summer》,预计在2018年7月面市。

《10 years of Design Summer》微电影

定向邀请“Design Summer”历届工作坊导师及优秀学员参与,该微电影将于2018年7月22日(设计十夏报到日)在“Design Summer”官网、官微等社交媒体首播。

Feixen Studio设计原作展

瑞士Feixen设计工作室创立于2009年,创始人Felix Pfäffli任教于卢塞恩平面设计学院,他是AGI有史以来最年轻的会员,设计作品在国际竞赛中荣获多项荣誉。Felix Pfäffli和Raphael leutenegger除了担任本年度“设计十夏”工作坊导师外,还将于7月中旬,在杭州孰料画廊带来原作展。



“设计十夏” 杭州系列工作坊

2018年7月23日-8月1日,“设计十夏”工作坊正式启动,本届工作坊设置8个班级,每个班级涵盖1门课程,上、下午4个班级同时授课。今年组委会邀请了强大的导师阵容,包括:Markus Weisbeck(德国)+Vera Kunz(德国)、Felix Pfäffli(瑞士)+Raphael leutenegger(瑞士)、Nod Young(北京)、Henning Wagenbreth(德国)、色部义昭(日本)+何见平(德/中)、古平正义(日本)、王序(中国)+梅数植(中国)、Ingo Offermanns(德国)。

“设计十夏” 欧洲游学之旅

2018年8月4日-8月15日,“设计十夏”一如既往,开启欧洲夏季游学之旅。第一周为柏林设计工作坊,邀请Erich Brechbühl教授(瑞士)、Stefan Guzy + Björn Wiede (德国)担任导师。第二周从柏林前往巴黎进行为期一周的学术之旅,途中将在法兰克福拜访奥芬巴赫国立艺术学院和Staedel艺术博物馆;在海德堡拜访Götz Gramlich教授;在巴黎拜访米雪布维工作室、Change is Good工作室、Malte Martin工作室等。

10 years of Design Summer

This summer, we will celebrate the 10th anniversary of “DesignSummer”. We plan to hold a series of activities for celebrating:

“10 years of DesignSummer” publication

All previous lecturers and students are invited to create a theme poster. We will award the top five from students’ works. All lecturers’ works and outstanding students’ works will be included in the publication “10 years of DesignSummer”, which is expected to be present in July 2018.

“10 years of DesignSummer” micro film

We invite all previous lecturers and selected students to participate in the micro film. It will be present on official website of “Design Summer”, WeChat and other social media on July 22nd, 2018(registration date of “Design Summer 10”).

Feixen Studio Exhibition

Studio Feixen is an independent Design Studio established in 2009 in Switzerland. The founder, Felix Pfäffli teaches at Fachklasse Grafik Luzern. He is the youngest member in the history of AGI, and won prizes worldwide. Felix Pfäffli and Raphael Leutenegger are not only our lecturers of “Design Summer 10” workshop, but also bring their original works to hold an exhibition in Hangzhou Hoknows Gallery in mid July.

“East&West” 2-day Design Talk

“East&West” 2-day Design Talk will be held in China Academy of Art Folk Art Museum on July 23rd and 24th, 2018.

“DesignSummer 10” (Hangzhou) workshop

“Design Summer 10” workshop will be held from July 23rd to August 1st, 2018. There are eight classes. Each class includes one course. Four of the classes will be given in the morning and the other four will be given in the afternoon. We have invited renowned designers as our lecturers this year. They are: Markus Weisbeck (Germany)+Vera Kunz (Germany), Felix Pfäffli (Switzerland)+Raphael Leutenegger (Switzerland), Nod Young (Beijing), Henning Wagenbreth (Germany), Yoshiaki Irobe (Japan)+Jianping He (Germany/China), Masayoshi Kodaira (Japan), Xu Wang (China) + Shuzhi Mei (China), and Ingo Offermanns (Germany).

“DesignSummer 10” study tour to Europe

“DesignSummer 10” will organize a study tour to Europe this summer as always, from August 4th to August 15th, 2018. The program for the first week is comprised of a series of academic workshops in Berlin. Courses will be offered by Prof. Erich Brechbühl (Switzerland), and Stefan Guzy + Björn Wiede (Germany). The second week will lead you on a field trip from Berlin to Paris. Starting with a study visit to hfg Offenbach and Städel Museum Frankfurt am Main, we continue on our way to Paris and visit Prof. Götz Gramlich in Heidelberg. Upon arrival in Paris, we will visit major design studios Michel Bouvet, Change is Good, Malte Martin, and etc.



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