









2019 年 5 月 17 日- 2019 年 8 月 31 日


2019 年 9 月- 12 月


2019 年 12 月




第三届小凉帽国际绘本奖面向世界范围的出版机构、插画师、创意机构、教师和学生征集绘本作品。参赛作品必须是 2016 年 1 月至 2019 年 8 月期间创作或首次出版,不限国家和地区,不限数量,每件参赛作品至少提供不包括封面在内的 10 张图像(电子文件,画面上需要有绘本故事文字)。参赛者可以是出版机构、公司、团体或个人。



A 在线提交

参赛者需要注册并登陆 Hiiibrand(嗨!品牌)网站www.hiiibrand.com,通过网站提交参赛作品。登陆后在此页面点击“上传作品”进行提交:


1. 检查您的登录邮箱。(组委会将通过此邮箱联系到您)

2. 提交作品的标题和简单描述。(请同时提供中英文,这将会更有助于评委理解您的作品。)

3. 每个单独的图像按请保存为JPG 格式,72 dpi,RGB 模式(请不要使用 CMYK 模式!),最长边为1024 像素 ,文件最好小于500KB。

4. 请不要在您提交作品的任何地方出现您的姓名或您公司的名称。

B 邮件提交



1. 下载并完整填写参赛表格,每件参赛作品请填写一份表格。(仅适用于邮件提交的方式,如您通过在线提交或手机提交的方式不需要填写参赛表格。)


2. 您提交的图片文件请保存为JPG 格式,72 dpi,RGB 模式;音频或视频文件请保存为MP3或MP4格式。每件参赛作品需至少提供包括封面在内的10张图像。

C 手机提交



A 专业组

a-1 已出版类

参赛作品的出版单位和出版地区不限国家和地区。参赛者可以是出版机构、公司、团体或个人。每件参赛作品至少提供不包括封面在内的 10 张图像(电子文件,画面上需要有绘本故事文字)。鼓励出版机构集体参赛,参赛数量达到 5 件的出版社或出版单位,将有机会参评“优秀出版奖”。

a-2 未出版类

参赛作品可以是已经完成的完整绘本,也可以是尚未完成的部分绘本。每件参赛作品至少提供不包括封面在内的 10 张图像(电子文件,画面上需要有绘本故事文字)。


a-3 数码类

参赛作品应适用于 Android,iOS,Kindle,ePub3,游戏控制台和网站等产品。该类别奖项主要奖励,用应用程序和网络为儿童创作故事,用互动媒体为儿童在教育和娱乐领域做出成绩的作品。产品应设计应为针对 2 至 15 岁的儿童。参赛者可以是出版机构、公司、团体或个人。

B 少儿组

少儿组参赛者年龄必须在 4-14 周岁之间。参赛作品可以是已经完成的完整绘本,也可以是尚未完成的部分绘本。每件参赛作品至少提供不包括封面在内的 10 张图像(电子文件,画面上需要有绘本故事文字)。参赛作品提交者可以是参赛者本人、监护人、指导教师或指导机构。

C 主题组


创作的故事必须为未公开发表过的原创故事。故事需逻辑清晰,积极健康,组委会有权拒受任何对各国文化或道德有侵犯以及不符合参赛要求的作品。创作的手法和表现形式不限。参赛作品可以是已经完成的完整绘本,也可以是尚未完成的部分绘本。每件参赛作品至少提供不包括封面在内的 10 张图像(电子文件,画面上需要有绘本故事文字)。参赛者可以是出版机构、公司、团体或个人。“小凉帽”(别称 / 昵称:凉帽宝宝、小凉帽姐妹)


① 小凉帽:6 岁,头戴传统的客家凉帽,是小凉帽魔法的第 N 代传人,也是小凉帽系列 IP 的主体形象。

② 阿妹:是最快乐的小天使,最开心的事情就是给来到小镇的人带路。

③ 铛铛狗:是阿妹的小跟班,勇敢忠诚又可爱。

④ 凉凉猫:跳上跳下,是最闹腾的一个小家伙。

* 注:更多“小凉帽”故事请前往官网查看。




A 专业组

① 全场大奖 1 件,奖励人民币 30,000 元人民币

② 已出版类最佳作品奖 3 件,每件奖励人民币 6,000 元人民币

③ 未出版类最佳作品奖 1 件,每件奖励人民币 6,000 元人民币

④ 数码类最佳作品奖 1 件,每件奖励人民币 6,000 元人民币

⑤ 已出版类优秀作品奖 5 件,每件奖励人民币 2,000 元人民币

⑥ 未出版类优秀作品奖 2 件,每件奖励人民币 2,000 元人民币

⑦ 数码类优秀作品奖 1 件,每件奖励人民币 2,000 元人民币

⑧ 优秀出版奖 10 件,每件奖励人民币 1,000 元人民币

⑨ 最受欢迎奖 3 件,无现金奖励

B 少儿组

① 全场大奖 1 件,奖励人民币 10,000 元人民币

② 最佳作品奖 3 件,每件奖励人民币 2,000 元人民币

③ 优秀作品奖 5 件,每件奖励人民币 1,000 元人民币

④ 优秀指导奖 5 件,每件奖励人民币 500 元人民币

⑤ 最受欢迎奖 2 件,无现金奖励

C 主题组

① “小凉帽”大奖 1 件,奖励人民币 100,000 元人民币

② 最佳作品奖 3 件,每件奖励人民币 1,0000 元人民币

③ 优秀作品奖 5 件,每件奖励人民币 3,000 元人民币

④ 最受欢迎奖 2 件,无现金奖励

* 注:最终各类别获奖数量将根据参赛作品质量有所调整。上述奖金金额指税前金额。获奖者应按照相关国家及地区的法律规定纳税。


计划将有约20-30% 的参赛作品入选2018 年12月举办的第二届小凉帽国际绘本奖获奖作品展览,所有获奖及参展者均将获得证书。


2019 年 9 月 -12 月

组委会计划将于 2019 年 10 月公布入选名单并通知参赛者,2019 年 12 月公布获奖名单。所有入选的参赛作品均需寄送绘本实物,已出版类参赛作品请寄送印刷品 3 本,未出版类参赛作品请寄送打印装订的绘本样书 3 本。绘本实物将用于评审,所有参赛作品绘本实物均不予寄还,敬请悉知。通知入选的参赛者请于 2019 年 11 月 15 日前将参赛作品绘本实物寄送到大赛组委会,以作品寄达时间为准。

地址:江苏省南京市秦淮区中华路 127 号 1002,






1. 原创声明:最终参赛作品必须是参赛者原创作品,未侵犯任何他人的任何专利、著作权、商标权及其他知识产权。否则,主办方有权取消其参赛、入围与获奖资格,收回奖金及并保留追究法律责任的权利。

2. 参赛作品知识产权归属:

① 主题组获奖作品版权归主办方所有,署名权归参赛者所有。包括但不限于以下方式行使著作权:享有对所属大赛作品方案进行再设计、生产、销售、展示、出版和宣传等权利。其它任何单位和个人未经授权不得以任何形式对作品转让、复制、转载、传播、摘编、出版、发行、许可使用等。

② 专业组和少儿组比赛获奖作品版权和署名权均归参赛者所有。主办方拥有尚未出版获奖作品的优先签约出版和开发的权利。

③ 大赛主办方对所有参赛作品和获奖作品拥有展览、展示和宣传等权利。

3. 参赛者提交作品之前,已仔细阅读上述条款,充分理解并表示同意,本次大赛的评委会拥有对所有获奖作品的最终裁定权。

4. 本大赛事宜最终解释权归大赛组委会所有。






第三届小凉帽国际绘本奖参赛表格/3rd Little Hakka_Submit Sheet


3rd Little Hakka International Picture

Book Award

Guiding Organization

Culture, Sports and Tourism Administration of Shenzhen Municipality

Women's Federation, Shenzhen


Shenzhen OCT Culture Group CO.,Ltd

Undertaking Organizer


Submit Time

May 17th, 2019-August 15th, 2019

Selection Time

September-December, 2019

Exhibition Time

December, 2019

Aims of the Award

This award aims at encouraging and rewarding all the publishing agencies and individuals who devote themselves to the creations of Picture Book and also aims at exploring some talents and awesome works from home and abroad as well as creating more opportunities for the international exchange and cooperation among publishers, picture book authors and illustrators.

Participant Qualifications

The Little Hakka International Picture Book Award opens to publishers, illustrators, creative institutions, teachers and students worldwide. Your entry should be created or first published between January 2016 and August 2019 in any countries or regions with unlimited quantity. The participants can be any publishing agencies, corporations or individuals.

No limitation to the quantity of the entries, but each entry should include at least 10 images.

How to Entry

Participants can choose any of the following ways to submit the entry.

A Online

Participators should register and login this website,


Login as a returning user with your email and password if you entered last year; or register for a new account. This version can guide you for uploading the works in detail,


B E-mail

You can send the submissions via email also. If you choose submit your works via email, please send the files to us: littlehakka3@hiiibrand.com

What we need is as below:

1. Please download and fill in the submit sheet. Download the Entry Form here:


This only applies to email submission. If you choose online submission, please ignore this item.

2. The files of your submissions. The images should be in .JPG format, RGB and 72 dpi. The audio or viedo files should be in .mp3 or .mp4 format. No limitation to the quantity of the entries, but each entry should include at least 10 images.

Groups & Categories

A Professional Group

a-1 Published

Entrants can be publishing agencies, corporations or individuals. There is no restriction to the entry’s publishing units or place of publication.

Collective participants of publishing agencies are welcomed and any agencies or press with 5 entries in this competition will have the opportunity to be qualified for the‘Excellent Publication Award’.

a-2 Unpublished

Both completed ones and the uncompleted ones are acceptable.

Entrants should be either corporations or individuals. Entries from publishing press or unit will not be accepted.

a-3 Digital

Your entry should be applicable to Android,iOS,Kindle,ePub3,game consoles and internet, etc.

This category is set up to reward those entries that create stories for children with apps and networks, and that have made achievements in the field of children’s education and entertainment with interactive media. The product should be designed for children between 2 and 15 years of age. Participants can be publishing units, corporations or individuals.

B Children's Group

Entrants of the children’s group should between 4 and 14 years of age. Both completed ones and the uncompleted ones are acceptable.

Entrants can be children, parents, advisors or guidance institutions.

C Theme Group

Your entry should take Hakka as the main creative object. According to the description of Hakka, the quantity of characters can be added or decreased, and details of characters can be created freely.

Your entry should be unpublished original story with clear logic and positive content.

The committee shall have the right to refuse any entry that infringes upon any culture or morality and that does not meet the criteria

of the competition.

Your style and form are not limited. Both completed work and the uncompleted work are acceptable. Participants can be publishing units, corporations or individuals.

Little Hakka Characters

① Hakka: 6 years old, wearing a traditional Hakka summer hat. She is the successor of that magic hat, and the main character of Little Hakka series IP.

② AMei: the happiest angel. For her, the happiest thing is to lead the way for the visitors of the town.

③ Dangdang Dog: wherever AMei goes, he follows. He is brave, loyal and lovely.

④ Liangliang Cat: always jumps up and down, the most naughty brat.

Note: Please visit the official website (www.littlehakka.com) for more information.


The award is all free and the organizer will not charge any expense from the participants during collection, evaluation and exhibition period.

Awards & Rewards

A Professional Group

① Grand Prix

An entry from professional group will get the Grand Prix, with a reward of 30,000 RMB.

② Best of the Best

5 entries from professional group will get the Best of the Best, with a reward of 6,000 RMB each.

③ Merit Award

8 entries from professional group will get the Merit Award, with a reward of 2,000 RMB each.

④ Excellent Publication Award

10 entries from professional group will get the Excellent Publication Award, with a reward of 1,000 RMB each.

⑤ Most Popular Award

3 entries from professional group will get the Most Popular Award. No cash bonus.

B Children's Group

① Grand Prix

An entry from children's group will get the Grand Prix, with a reward of 10,000 RMB.

② Best of the Best

3 entries from children's group will get the Best of the Best, with a reward of 2,000 RMB each.

③ Merit Award

5 entries from children's group will get the Merit Award, with a reward of 1,000 RMB each.

④ Excellent Guidance Award

5 entries from children's group will get the Excellent Guidance Award, with a reward of 500 RMB each.

2 entries from children's group will get the Most Popular Award. No cash bonus.

C Theme Group

① Little Hakka Award

An entry in theme group will get the Little Hakka Award, with a reward of 100,000 RMB.

② Best of the Best

3 entries from theme group will get the Best of the Best, with a reward of 10,000 RMB each.

③ Merit Award

5 entries from theme group will get the Merit Award, with a reward of 3,000 RMB each

④ Most Popular Award

2 entries from theme group will get the Most Popular Award. No cash bonus.

Note: the number of awards of every category will be adjusted according to the quality of the work.

Note: the number of awards of every category will be adjusted according to the quality of the work

Exhibition & Certification

About 20-30% works will enter the shortlist.

All the entries on the shortlist will be exhibited.

All the winners and those whose works are exhibited will get certificates.

Selected entrants will be released and informed by the committee in October 2019.

Participants who have entered the shortlists need to send the picture book in kind to the committee by November 20th 2019 (according to the arrival time).


According to relevant laws and regulations, all the participants who initiatively submit their works are considered to have the following irreversible announcements for their submitted works:

a) Announcement of originality: the finalist entries should be original without infringing others patents, copyrights, trademark rights or other intellectual properties. Otherwise, the organizer reserves the right to cancel its entry, nomination and award, to recover the bonus and to retain the legal liability.

b) Intellectual property of entries

① The copyright on the winning entries of the theme group is owned by the organizers and is entitled to the participants.

The copyright include but not limited by the following rights: rights to redesign, produce, sell, exhibit, display, publish and publicize entries of the competition. Any other units or individuals shall not transfer, copy, reprint, broadcast, compile, publish, issue, or use any form of the work without authorization.

② The copyright on the winning entries of the professional group and children's group belongs to the participants. The organizer reserves the priority to publish the unpublished winning entries.

③ The organizer of the competition reserves the right to exhibit, display and publicize all the entries.

c) Before submitting the entry ,the participant have already read the terms and conditions above carefully and fully understand and agree to them.

The jury’s decisions on winning entries are final.

d) The committee’s explanation for this competition is final.


Web: www.littlehakka.com

E-mail: littlehakka3@hiiibrand.com

Tel: 0086-025-58633600

本文来源于 小凉帽国际绘本奖组委会,由 欧米网 整理编辑!